Sunday, May 13, 2012

Numbers update for Sunday

Well, not much of an update since we still have SIX embryos today (Sunday)!  The nurse called this afternoon to tell us and give us our appointment time on Tuesday.  One of the two embryos from yesterday which were lagging has now caught up.  One is still developing slowly, but has doubled since yesterday, so there is still progress.  And the other four are doing beautifully.

We'll be in on Tuesday.  I'm going back under anesthesia for the transfer since the catheters have been so horrendously painful.  And, we'll discuss with the doctor on Tuesday morning how many to implant.  How crazy is it to have this kind of choice??

I suppose I should share a little more of our fertility issues with you so you understand how wild this is.  The Hubs has low count, low motility, and poor morphology.  I do not ovulate regularly.  I actually have this weird thing (in case you are running across this, googling for an answer) - I get positive OPK's (ovulation prediction kit sticks) despite not ovulating.  I've had ultrasounds to back this up.  I get a positive OPK to show that I have the hormone surge to ovulate, but my eggs aren't mature, so no actual ovulation occurs. I'll have maybe a 5mm follicle.  One of the markers for this is that I also have incredibly short bleeds - about 24-36 hours.  I've also wondered if there are issues with implantation, particularly with my history of lining issues and endometriosis.  I suppose we'll find out about the implantation issues soon.

So, we're stunned that we have so many embryos still growing.  With the issues we've had, we are considered to have less than a 5% chance of conceiving naturally (25 mg of clomid, progesterone cream, and some other minor drug helped us conceive Bud after trying for 22 cycles).  Doctors have been stunned when they've learned we conceived our daughter without major assistance, after seeing our numbers and ultrasounds.  We've been told that we've already beat the odds once.

Because of our history, I figured we'd be lucky to end up with two embryos on Day 3.  And now, it looks like we have some decisions to make.

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