Monday, May 21, 2012

Reasons to Hope, Reasons to Fear

We did hear back the day after our transfer that the other two embryos stopped developing.  This means that the only embryo surviving is the one we transferred.  That's a lot of pressure!  I'll have a blood test on Thursday morning and know a little more on Thursday afternoon.  I'll probably have another test on Saturday to check if hormone levels are going down (boo!) or up (yay!).

I'm being good - nothing strenuous, no heavy lifting, stuck with my low activity/bed rest after the ER and the ET.  No alcohol, watching medicine intake, low caffeine, all pregnancy safe foods.

And then, this afternoon, I noticed blood.  Now's the time to stop reading if you don't want detail.

Two red clots, some watery red on the tissue.  I am 6 days past a 5 day transfer of a single embryo.  I placed a call to my doctor's.  The upshot is that they don't know. It could be bleeding because that's what happens during early pregnancy.  It could be bleeding because my body is preparing to have a period.  The nurse thinks that there is still strong reason to hope it is due to early pregnancy since my period wouldn't hit until the end of the week, closer to my test on Thursday, and today is Monday.

But, it's scary. I want this.  At first I was hoping for implantation bleeding, but it's not the right time.  The doctor who did the transfer said that implantation would be within 48 hours, not 148.

I did do something similar to this with Bud.  That's what I'm keeping in mind.  Also, for those of you keeping score, I did not receive a positive pregnancy test with her until I was 18dpo, aka18 days past ovulation, because of probably late implantation.  Although, I did take a test at 16dpo and was peeing too often from all the water I was drinking for there to be enough HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin aka the hormone produced during pregnancy) to register on even an early result test.  So, ladies who are waiting for a positive and experiencing crazy symptoms, yes, a very late bfp (Big Fat Positive) is possible.  But, since we know that I had an expanded blast on day 5, by biology, it should have expanded and pushed out of its shell, ready for implantation, in the next two days.

As for symptoms, most could be from the prometrium/progesterone supplements I'm on or from the HCG trigger shot and prometrium overlapping.  Occasional breast tenderness, headache for dayyyyyssss, and cramping seem to be normal.  Even bleeding can be attributed to that according to some sources.  I'm also fairly thirsty, slightly constipated (a complete stop to my IBS for the last two days - highly unusual), and I feel like I'm coming down with some crazy virus.  I feel so be-a-U-ti-ful right now!    One thing, though, as anyone who has spent the two week wait knows, is this could all be in my head. I may be coming down with a cold.  I may be constipated.  I may just be eating more salty foods.

I hope to know more Thursday.  If the bleeding gets stronger, I'll go in a day early for testing.  At that point, however, it's more likely that I'm getting my period and the embryo didn't take.  If I do make it to Thursday, I haven't decided yet if I'm going to post the results, share with a few friends, or keep quiet until we at least have our first ultrasound, already scheduled for mid June.

I suppose we'll all be in suspense.  Thank you so much for all the positive thoughts and well wishes, for the IM's and posts and emails inquiring how I'm doing and just letting me know that you're thinking of us and hoping for the best.  It means so much to us to have a wonderful community of friends and family taking this journey with us and supporting us along the way.  We feel the love.  Hopefully this baby feels the love and how welcome he or she already is in this world!

And now I'm crying just thinking about it.  Our baby.  Already welcomed by all.  Thank you, no matter what.

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