As of 10am PDT Friday morning, all seven embryos were still developing. Six are rated "good" (on a scale of poor, fair, good) and one was rated "fair". The fair one could be lagging or just slowing down. It has two cells when the others have four - six cells, typical of "good" ratings. I didn't want to press my luck by asking for specifics on each of those. I was fortunate to speak with a nurse who was willing to pull up the information out of my record to even get that far.
We'll do a Day 5 transfer, for sure. Statistically, half will die between whatever today's count (I write this on Day 3) is and Monday, Day 5. If we have six today, then we will probably have 3 on Monday. What quality those would be, and how far along, remains to be determined.
I expect a call with more details in the next few hours. I'll post again, then.
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