Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Magnificent Seven

Yes, seven embryos.  I should be much more excited about this.  We had 9 eggs, 7 fertilized.  I asked how they were doing, what was happening - a bit more of a pause than I am comfortable with came from the nurse.  "Everything is going fine".  But how are they?  "You'll get a report on the day of transfer." Me- can I not get some information now?  "We would tell you if something were wrong.  We're not going to have you come in and then suddenly tell you things aren't going well.  Trust us, it's fine". Me - pause.  "Let me put it this way, no news is good news.  If there were drastic issues, you'd have a call from the doctor."

Too many pauses, a few too many excuses.  My nursing team is gone tomorrow, so I'm hoping to grill the sub who will be letting me know how things are.  We'll either do a 3 day or a 5 day transfer.  I hope to know a little more just because they are able to make that call.

I suppose we'll know more tomorrow.  I've got plans to stay busy for the morning.  Seven should give us a good shot, but we thought that last time with six.  I don't know what to believe or hard to hope any more.

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