Monday, August 6, 2012


I had two embryos transferred this morning.  Expanded blasts, level Good, grade B/B for each of them.  I was told that there is a 66% chance of getting pregnant with implanting two at my age, and a 40% chance of that for twins - about the same percentage as not getting pregnant at all.  I would say that it is actually a greater possibility to have zero than twins.  I had zero with the last IVF with a similar 65% chance of getting pregnant, but only one embryo transferred.

I had the Hubster drive me to acupuncture immediately afterwards.  I did see a study cited out of a BC clinic that said gals in my age group (over 38) show a stronger likelihood of pregnancy if acupuncture is performed the same day as transfer.

I'm not holding my breath.  I am on modified bed rest, enjoying movies while Bud is enjoying the grandparents.  We had delivery for dinner, so I got out of cooking, too.

We also froze two embryos today - expanded blasts, Good, B/B and Good B/C.  I may be wrong and one is Fair B/C.

And we are culturing three more embryos - that's right, as of today, all SEVEN were still developing!  Two are unexpanded blasts, automatically graded poor because they haven't advanced, but, I think B/B and B/C. As for the third, we have a perfect morula which needs to be cultured possibly longer.

So, if this time, IVF #2, doesn't work, we're already set for Frozen Embryo Transfer #1.  I guess we won't know any time soon when our family is done after all.

I am nervous about the prospect of twins, but I feel that with the failure of the earlier IVF, the maternal age factor, the low AMH score, as well as my history, we'll be lucky to get one out of this.  I'm taking it one day at a time.  We'll figure it out the same way any other family with multiples figures it out, if we do have twins.

I am "testing out the trigger", as some say.  I ordered some cheapo pregnancy tests (25 for $8!) and will take each day to watch the trigger line fade from the positive pregnancy test.  Then, if it comes back or gets stronger, we'll know if there is a baby in there.

And right now, TWO babies in there!


  1. Thinking of you!!! All sounds very promising!

  2. Yaaaaay!! Enjoy the next few days! Sending lots of sticky dust your way
